Spread the word – vote like your life and country depend on it!
Money Helps! Donate Here.David Zokaites for Sioux Falls Mayor
Election April 2026Runoff election 3 weeks later

Expensive elections require most politicians to sell their services to the highest bidder. This results in politicians making laws to serve rich campaign contributors – even in Sioux Falls. It also results in officials who are victims and perpetrators of injustice. We need to THINK about what's happening, DREAM about a better tomorrow, and VOTE for honest people who want to make a better world for all of us.
Our Problems
- +People are afraid
- +Official corruption
- +Drug abuse
- +Too many prisons
- +Bumpy roads
- +Over-zealous police
Help Me Create
- +A safer city
- +Reduced crime
- +Treatment for addicts
- +Realistic spending
- +Care for our Earth
- +Affordable housing
- +Compassion
- +Government for all
- +Inclusive culture
When it takes big money to get elected, politicians work for big donors who don't want what we need.
The solution is to get active and vote!
Break free of common complacency and vote! Tell your friends you found an honest guy who actually cares!
Get active and vote! We can do this, we will reclaim government and make a better world. Vote and
tell your friends to vote!

For SANE DRUG POLICY help someone run for office!
To END HOMELESSNESS get honest, caring people elected!
To REDUCE CRIME AND ADDICTION get your friends to vote!
For HONEST LOCAL GOVERNMENT vote - vote - vote!
Help me reclaim government for we the people.
I hope you enjoy my tongue-in-cheek zombie music video, “Take Back the Night”!